SelfieMeter Magic - Signup
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I hereby confirm, that I have read and that I accept the terms and conditions for SelfieMeter
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Terms and Conditions
The following are the rules and conditions for using SelfieMeter service and thus email and other services offered by SelfieMeter. BY CLICKING UP AND FILLING THE PROFILE REGISTRATION PROCESS, YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE AUTHORIZED FOR AN ACCOUNT AND YOU ACCEPT TO BE CONTAINED TO ALL FOLLOWING RULES AND USER CONDITIONS. A. You must be at least 13 years old to register and by signing up for membership on this page, you declare that you are at least 13 years old. B. You agree to provide true and accurate information about yourself on this site. C. You agree not to use this Site for unlawful purposes or for the transmission of material that is illegal, harassing, defamatory, infringing upon others' privacy, sexual and / or racist, offensive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, injurious, or otherwise offensive, or which violates or may violate intellectual property rights or other rights in another. This site reserves the right to edit or remove information that you transmit to this site, or remove your membership at any time for any reason. D. You agree not to use this site for the transfer of junk mail, spam, chain letters or unsolicited mass distribution of e-mail or for commercial purposes. E. You agree that this site reserves the right to change, temporarily or permanently, this site or parts of this site without notice to you. You agree that this site is not responsible to you or to any third party for any modification or cancellation of this site. F. You acknowledge and agree that any material you post in all areas of this site, including photos or other images available to the public or this site's membership, in whole or in part, will be treated as non-confidential and without ownership and This website may use such material on any medium for any purpose, including but not limited to reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcast and posting of such material in advertisements and campaigns. G. You agree to be responsible for your interaction with other members of this site. You agree that this site is not responsible or liable for content posted by third parties or members or conduct of any member. There are many different fraud, plans, and deception on the internet, and we strongly advise you to be skeptical of our members until you learn more about them and control their background. H. If we suspect that we have been cheated, we reserve the right to reduce or reset earned xp, levels, treasure keys, MEAG cash and and other points. Feel free to report any problems via our contact form.